
torsdag 1. mars 2018


As we all know, there's a lot of differences between everything and everyone in this world. One difference I'll be writing about this time is the difference between teenagers and adults/parents.

Almost every adult/parent is really concerned about us teenagers use of the phone and internet. That might be because when they grew up, there was no such thing as snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and so on. Today teenagers life consists of communication through the internet and I don't think adults and parents understand the principle of talking to your friends through the internet. They think it's like when we were young, and visited people at home and went out climbing trees and stuff. Why don't they understand that things change?

Another difference between adults/parents and teenagers is the responsibility. Adults have all these things they have to look after and take care of. For example, paying bills, making dinner for their kids, make sure they're doing fine in school, take care of their sick kids, work and so much more. We don't have this kind of responsibility. The only things we need to think about is our social life, school, and just simple things like taking care of our siblings if we have any, cleaning at home and things that are not even close to the responsibility our parents have. 

And last but not least, the consequences. I tend to think that parents don't think as much about their own consequences, they're most concerned about their kids' consequences instead of their own. They might think a little bit about theirs, but that comes after they think about ours. I think that they think that if we get consequences, they also get consequences for what we have done. While us teenagers just do whatever comes to mind. If we think something is a good choice, we do it. If we think that telling people other people their secrets, we do it. Not all of us, but a lot of people really do this. 

Despite all our differences, we're not that different after all. Our parents have once been young, and one day we'll grow up and will probably be just like them.