
torsdag 1. mars 2018


As we all know, there's a lot of differences between everything and everyone in this world. One difference I'll be writing about this time is the difference between teenagers and adults/parents.

Almost every adult/parent is really concerned about us teenagers use of the phone and internet. That might be because when they grew up, there was no such thing as snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and so on. Today teenagers life consists of communication through the internet and I don't think adults and parents understand the principle of talking to your friends through the internet. They think it's like when we were young, and visited people at home and went out climbing trees and stuff. Why don't they understand that things change?

Another difference between adults/parents and teenagers is the responsibility. Adults have all these things they have to look after and take care of. For example, paying bills, making dinner for their kids, make sure they're doing fine in school, take care of their sick kids, work and so much more. We don't have this kind of responsibility. The only things we need to think about is our social life, school, and just simple things like taking care of our siblings if we have any, cleaning at home and things that are not even close to the responsibility our parents have. 

And last but not least, the consequences. I tend to think that parents don't think as much about their own consequences, they're most concerned about their kids' consequences instead of their own. They might think a little bit about theirs, but that comes after they think about ours. I think that they think that if we get consequences, they also get consequences for what we have done. While us teenagers just do whatever comes to mind. If we think something is a good choice, we do it. If we think that telling people other people their secrets, we do it. Not all of us, but a lot of people really do this. 

Despite all our differences, we're not that different after all. Our parents have once been young, and one day we'll grow up and will probably be just like them.

mandag 15. januar 2018


In today's society, sexual harassment has become a big issue. I'm sure most of you have heard of the "#metoo campaign". If you haven't, it's a campaign where men and women post "#metoo" on social media to show people that they have been sexually harassed, or support those who have been. 

What people don't see is that this has actually evolved into quite a big problem. It was started to show people that there are people who care and that they're not alone. But now, people post "#metoo" just because someone accidentally touched your arm when they were walking past you in the streets. 

I am not saying that this campaign is a bad thing. It's not. But when it has come to this, absolutely everyone thinking they have been sexually harassed, it's not really a good thing anymore. But what do I know? I can say that I have never been sexually harassed etc. Maybe some people think being accidentally touched by someone is harassment, how would I know?

What if we have to start asking people if it's ok to shake their hand when we meet or ask if it's ok to hug someone when they're crying, just because we don't know what is and isn't sexual harassment anymore. I personally think that it's disrespectful to misuse the hashtag if you don't know for sure that you have actually been harassed. But then again, how could I know how you define sexual harassment?

Maybe I'm wrong about this, but this is my opinion.

mandag 8. januar 2018

Christmas Show Off

Just like everything else I post in this blog, this is obviously going to be me complaining about something. This time it's about Christmas presents. 

For those who celebrate christian Christmas, most people get presents. Some more than others. Something that bothers me, is when people post pictures to brag about everything they got for Christmas. Maybe they got the new iPhone x, or a really expensive watch etc. I think this is wrong. Why is it so important to show off what you got to get more "popular" or whatever? 

There are people in this world that don't get presents because their family doesn't have enough money to buy for their kids. They're just happy that they have a home to live in and food on the table. What I'm saying is that when 9-year-old kids get the newest iPhone for Christmas, you're also responsible for making the pressure on the kids in today's society.  

Another problem I want to address is that there are a lot of kids/teenagers that suffer from depression etc, and when Christmas comes, things can get a bit too much. You may think, "what does that have to do with this?" but it actually makes sense if you just think about it. You are a 15-year-old teenager, that find Christmas physically and mentally challenging. You go through Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and whatever social media where it is possible to post things, and you see that everyone else got expensive things that you never could afford. I know how that can affect you. You feel like you don't fit in and that people won't accept you, just because you didn't get as nice and expensive Christmas presents? That is not ok.

I think a good solution to this problem is to stop talking about and post things on the internet to brag and show off what you got for Christmas. In that way, people would feel safer and they would have one less reason to feel like they don't fit in. 

torsdag 30. november 2017

Slut Shaming

One thing I don't understand about people is why they have to make anything and everything their business. One thing that bothers me a lot is slut shaming. Slut shaming is a common thing in today's society. If a girl, for instance, has slept with a couple of guys, then she's automatically a whore. But when a guy sleeps with a dozen of girls, he's a "legend". Why can't we just accept people for who they are and what they do and just live our own lives? We can do whatever we like with our own bodies and I think it's disgusting that people go behind other people's back and talk shit about them, just because of the choices they've made before.  

I really don't want this to be an issue in today's society, but it is. And I don't know what I, or we can do to make it stop. People are who they are, and there's nothing we can do to stop them from doing whatever they like.  

torsdag 26. oktober 2017

Hunger Games - The End

My name is Elise. I grew up in district 12 in Panem. This is not a very good place to grow up. There's no freedom. No democracy. So, I've decided that I'm going to do something about it. I am willing to risk my own life to make Panem a better place. For me, and for the sake of others. This is my story. 

The clock is ticking and I'm pacing around the room. I doesn't know why I'm stressing, but I am. Maybe it's because of the reaping next week, or maybe it's just stress. Since I'm eighteen years old, my name is in the lottery forty- two times. They say, "may the odds be ever in your favor", but I guess the odds aren't really in my favor at this point.  

I sit down by the table to calm my nerves. It's just me in the house at the moment. It's completely silent. For many people that may be calming, but not for me. Silence has never been a good thing in my life. Silence always brings something bad with it. It's weird.  

My siblings are out, trying to get some food which is not very easy here in district 12. We usually have to trade some of our stuff in order to get food. But we're managing. 

Right now, I'm just sitting in the kitchen wondering about how I can make Panem a better place. I'll probably have to kill President Snow, which is NOT going to be an easy task. Since I'm basically a nobody, it is going to be almost impossible to get close enough to actually kill him. And to be honest, I have no idea how I'm going to get into the Capitol. I can't exactly just buy a train ticket.
"Come on, think, Elise", I say to myself. Maybe I could do something with the names in the bowl? No, that's to advanced. I could sneak on board the train when the tributes go to the Capitol? Yes! That's it.  

The days go by a lot faster than I hoped they would. I feel like I don't have time to plan my "mission". What exactly is my mission? OK, so I will sneak into the train before it leaves. Then what? I'll find a place to stay the night. Then go to the president's house. I'll tell them that I have an emergency and they will have to let me in. And from then I'll just improvise. I honestly don't know I'm doing. This is going to be a disaster. 

The day has come. This is the day the train leaves the district. In just a couple hours, I am going to be hiding inside a train. So, right now I'm packing a bag with a couple of things I may need.  

I walk out the door in a hurry. Time flies when you're nervous, I guess. I didn't notice that it's only a few minutes until the train leaves. As soon as I'm out of people's sight, I run. If I don't make it to the train in time, I won't get a second chance.  

I'm breathing heavily as I see the train. Doors still open, thankfully. I slip inside as the doors close and I sit down behind some furniture. Now I just have to wait for the train to arrive the Capitol. 

My eyes suddenly open when the train stops. I can hear voices coming from a cabin farther down. When I hear footsteps, I quickly get off the train before anyone can see me.  

There is a lot of people here, so it's not going to be difficult blending in. I get in to the crowd and walk towards the president's house. It's not too far away.  
I can feel that I am starting to get a bit nervous. My palms are sweaty and my heart is beating fast. Maybe this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come here.  

What am I saying? I can't afford thinking like this. I'm going to finish what I came here to do, even if it kills me. 

I'm now standing outside a large, white building. This is where it's going to end. All I have to do is figure out how I'm going to get inside. They're not just letting anybody in.   

Then my eyes lands on a maid and I got an idea. I can get some clothes so that I can dress up as a maid. But I don't have the time, or money, to buy some clothes. That leaves me one option: kidnap her. 

She's walking toward the door, so I have get to her quickly. I sit down and look into the bag I brought. I remember bringing a rope and a bag. I can use them. 

The maid is almost at the door now, so I run towards her. When I get to her I quickly put the bag over her head and put my hand over her mouth so that she can't scream. Then I tie the rope to her hands. Now I just have to find somewhere to lock her up.  

When I'm done with the maid, I walk towards the door and before I get there, the door opens. I look up to see a camera. Makes sense. This was easy enough. Now comes the hard part. To get to the president and actually kill him.

When I get inside, all I can see is a long hall with lots of doors on each side and one door at the end of the hall. The door that is straight down the hall is the one I choose.   

I open the door and the first thing I see is guards. Lots of guards. I pray to God that they won't ask any questions while I walk ahead. Thankfully they don't. This is easier than I thought it would be.  

When I get to another door, I can hear voices. I recognize one of them as the president's. I've heard his voice multiple times before.  

I just stand outside the door for a couple minutes to find out how many people there is inside the room. It sounds like it's just two. I can do this. 

When I open the door, the president and the other woman looks at me, but say nothing. They just turn around and keep talking. I didn't think this would be this easy when I first planned this.  

I walk towards the president, acting like I'm cleaning. I take out the knife I took out from my bag earlier. When I stand right behind president Snow, I stab him in the neck with the knife. The other lady gasps before she calls out for the guards which is standing outside the door. 

They are now rushing in and the last thing I hear is gunshots. Then all I see is darkness.  

lørdag 17. juni 2017

Plus Size Models

Today we have all kinds of advertisements. On TV, in magazines and on the streets. Everywhere. This affects us, even if we think it doesn't. I want to talk about one type in particular. And that's clothes/ models. There is one thing that makes me really mad. They use "normal" models as plus size models, and that is NOT ok. Why can't they use models who actually is plus size to advertise plus size clothes? 
Bilderesultat for plus size models

How can people even consider these girls as plus size? That is just sick! When they use "normal" models as plus size models, they makes us think that this is not normal. If you have a little more fat than other models, you're overweight. This is probably not the message they thinks they're sending, but this is what I think.

Today's Society

I know that I have written about this before, but I can't say it enough. I'm so sick of today's society. I'm sick of people that thinks everyone has to be perfect to be accepted. I wish people would realize that there is no such thing as "perfect".
The children who grows up today, learns that you must have tons of likes on Instagram, expensive clothes, phones and makeup. Pretty much everything has to be expensive. This is not how I want our society to be. But how can we change this? This is the way people think, we can't just change people's minds.